Friday, March 30, 2007

Is Your Girl Faking (Part 1)

The statistics that I read say that 70% of women fake orgasms. So I guess that means there is a good chance that your and my girl are faking as well. What are we doing wrong? Maybe she's not comfortable with us or maybe were just not doing something right. Faking doesn't mean she's not enjoying it just means she's not enjoying to her full potential. So how do you know if she's faking? I am going to tell you.

There are two major ways that a woman achieves orgasm. One is with clitoral stimulation and two is having their g spot worked. It's usually one or the other but not both. You need to know what sends your girl over the edge. Chances are if you do something different and she orgasms then she is faking.

There are a number of ways to tell if your lady is faking her orgasm

1. You don't want to hear porn movie sounds coming out of your lover. Remember those girls are doing it for the camera so if she is making porn movie sounds then there's a good chance she is faking.

2. When the two of you are performing any sex acts and you decide to take a break for a minute and she keeps moaning, well you guessed it. This isn't a good sign. It's actually a good sign that she's faking.

3. If the two of you are making love and she is having an orgasm then her PC muscle should go nuts. It should be gripping your penis like there is no tomorrow.

4. One last thing is that she should breathe heavy for quite a while after an orgasm. If the breathing goes back to normal almost immediately then chances are she is faking.

Now these rules don't apply to all women. Remember everyone is different. However if you are seeing a lot of the examples above I would assume that she is faking. I don't know about you but if my woman is faking I want to know why. Is it me? Is it her? Is it both of us? I will get into the whys in the next article.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How You Can Be Happy And Fulfilled Whilst Being Single For The Rest Of Your Life

It seems unheard of these days for an attractive person with a job and a life ahead of them even though they are recently divorced to consider remaining single and celibate for the rest of their life. What would inspire a person with opportunity to re- marry not to do so? What could be so attractive that could encourage a person to choose a single life? Come and read my reason.

My wife left me fourteen years ago, re married eight years ago, and for those past eight years I have not seen my 15 year old son. Since my wife left, in recent times since I have come to love myself I have had four women ask me to consider marrying them. Each of them were friends and when I told them that I couldn't do as they wish three of them didn't want to be friends anymore. That was sad.

Can there be a life so good, so exciting, so full and so full of purpose that you don't need a partner to be happy.

Well tell me folks can there be?

Let me tell you that my life is exciting, my days are full, I have a purpose, a destiny and dreams that I am seeing coming true and the presence and peace of God has never been as strong in my life then it has in the last two weeks.

As a male who has already had a child, I have a lot of happiness. Though I know I don't see him now, I am confident as an adult he will seek me out and I forgive my wife for stopping him seeing me. I did my bit to populate the world.

As a Christian I am set apart for God and I am excited to be like Paul and to walk with God as a single man. He admonished those that would want to serve the Lord that being single is best though he said that this is hard for some and if lust is too much for them they should marry.

Well let me say folks it takes a disciplined Christian life as male to conquer the sex drive and the compulsion to lust. In the Old Testament somewhere there is a verse that says that the anointing breaks the yoke. This means if you can get into the state where the presence of God in your life is strong then any addiction or bondage will be broken in my simple language.

It is such a joy to be a male that God takes his sex drive away as the anointing flows in his life. It is such a joy to walk down the street without wanting to take women to bed or undressing them with your eyes. It's such a joy to be able to speak to a lady and not be distracted by thoughts of wondering if you can date her.

God wants all of us devoted to Him. To choose to be single so that you can devote all your time to serving the Lord is a big decision yet it pays handsome dividends. When God knows you want to serve him fulltime he gives you big dreams and gets to work training you for something that it going to be very effective for him. A man or woman that chooses to lay down their life for God will always be rewarded in ways that will more then compensate.

It's not that I don't love woman. It's that I want my time to be fully devoted to typing articles, speaking and exhorting by brothers and sisters in the Lord. Instead of spending an hour with my wife each night telling her how the day was, I want to have that hour to be speaking to the Lord. Instead of having a wife lonely at home when I am away for a month I want to have people happy where I am knowing that I am free to stay in their city for as the Lord wills.

The love that I have for Jesus far surpasses many people that I know. My life is crucified for Christ. My only interest is to do his will and it seems that the more I have divorced myself from the things of the world, like the desire to own things, and buying things, the more he has given me to do and to spend my money on that is going to save souls and encourage Christians to live a better life.

What wife could live with a husband that spends his money on reaching souls every week and who does not agree with buying expensive things when cheap things can be worn instead? What wife could live with a husband who has no interest in a car, no interest in a nice house of his own and who teaches his children to live for Christ in a life of self denial?

Could you live with me?

Could you cope with a husband that has no interest in fashions, the media, the popular shows on TV, no interests outside of serving God with every cent he has and every hour available?

Are you a lady that could have my zeal? Living in cheap clothes with a cheep car and a rented government housing cheap rented unit. Could you live with a man that can't walk down a street without giving to the poor and who engages total strangers in conversation whenever you are out?

Are you a lady that wants to serve the Lord full time with all your heart, mind, time and money? Do you think God could raise you up in that ministry?

Sure he could!

Do you want to serve God and be a better use for him?

What about you men? Which of you could conceive being single from this point on and serving the Lord in the future full time? Who would deny themselves a love with a new woman for God so they can be more effective?

Do you have a vision?

Do you want to serve God?

Can you get excited about God using you in a mighty way?

God wants to use you all. He has a ministry you can all be a part of if you can only give him some of your time for free without wanting to be paid.

I challenge you seek the Lord in a way that you can serve Him. Ask him for the gift to serve him as a single person! It is a life that is rewarding.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Attracting Males Through Female Pheromones

The desire to attract the opposite sex is a universal want. Human beings, animals and insects have the need to mate and reproduce and that is why it is important to send out a message that could attract a possible mate. Female pheromones are regarded as one of the best tools for the female species to attract a possible mate. According to scientists, females, regardless of their species can send out a message via the female pheromones to let the males know that they are ready for reproduction.

In the case of animals and insects, the response of the male on the message sent through the female pheromones can be quite overwhelming. In some types of insects, the radius of reach of the pheromones can be up to 6.2 miles. Since the message can reach a lot of males insects, chances are male insects will flock to the female. In some cases, the competition may become fierce that could result in death for some of the insects.

The role of the female pheromones in the reproductive process cannot be overly emphasized especially in the lower forms of animals. To cite a concrete example, let us take the case of dogs that are in heat. Studies show that female dogs that are in heat send out a scent or emit a form of chemical that the male dogs often recognize even at a distance.

As the male dogs receive the message from the female, the male becomes sexually aroused and may become aggressive. More often than not, male dogs that caught pheromones of the female dog would display symptoms of stress. Unless the male dog is released to seek out the female dog that is in heat, the male dog will become so stressed out that he could end up howling and barking throughout the day and long into the night.

Unlike in the case of animals where the female pheromones are considered as very strong, the female pheromones in human beings have a more subtle effect. According to researchers and experts, female human beings do send out sexual messages to the males -- however, such messages are more subtly conveyed.

Furthermore, unlike in the insects and other animals where the males are free to openly respond to the invitation of the female that is in heat, male human beings are thankfully prevented by social norms from going after the female like animals and insects do! Although, some men make one wonder...

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Seducing Women or Men Using The Elvis Presley Phenomenon

The results are in, rhythmic brainpower is one of the most seductive kinds of intelligence there is!

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem studied the DNA from dancers and compared it with the genes of "tone deaf" people and people with two left feet. They found that musicians and dancers had key genes (the Serotonin Transporter and Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1a) that played an important role in their particular personality type which includes traits such as having a heightened sense of communication, a sense of enjoyment and well-being, and strong spiritual awareness and traits.

For me, this is exciting news because it just goes ahead to confirm why a good sense of rhythm is emphasized in indigenous cultures rites of passage to adulthood. Initiates are told that musician and dancers are some of the most desired sex partners because of their ability to communicate their inner primal nature and raw emotions in ways that move the rest of us. Initiates go through rigorous training to develop their rhythmic brainpower not just because a rhythmic body is great when it comes to sex, but because when your sense of rhythm is great (not just good) you can tune into another person's inner primal nature and raw emotions - make him/her oblivious to him/herself and forget his/her circumstances in life and take him/her into another place, not theirs, not your own, but somewhere else.

This is a simple but powerful overlooked concept in "modern" societies. Many of us spend hours and hours on a date "downloading" stats, factual discussions, arguments, and proofs onto each other but still fail to leave an imprint on our dates. We fumble and lose our way in the web of verbalizing our emotions—"naming emotions," "talking about feelings," or "sharing our feelings" but fail to "transfer" emotional information to another person.

We fail to "get on the same wavelength", "keep up with the pace", "engage in the dance of courtship" etc. We are often either "off beat" or "out of sync" with the other's inner primal nature and raw emotions.

Call it the Elvis Presley phenomenon – you too can leave an imprint that makes a man or woman want to become you, together with you – not even death do you part – by simply increasing your rhythmic brainpower. When you are "in tune" with your inner beat, you can then easily tune in to your date's or partner's rhythm – and rock his/her world!

Check my websites for more information on increasing your rhythmic brainpower and seducing the opposite sex using rhythmic synchronization - invite interested partners with ease, move the man or woman you have your eyes on, make him or her feel what you feel, inspire him other to want to come to you and become you.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

5 Instant Ways to Develop Superior Confidence Around Women

Let me ask you a question...

Are you one of those guys with absolute confidence in yourself and can attract women just through your presence?

If you're not, then pay close attention to this article...

Have ever noticed how certain guys seem to attract women despite their looks, money or social economic status. What all these men have in common is their superior confidence in themselves and their ability to project this attitude.

But what if you have no confidence when it comes to meeting and attracting women?

Well, you're in luck!

Confidence is actually something that can be developed, regardless of your dating background. So how do you do this?

It's simple! Just follow the 5 steps I'll outline in this article and you'll be on road towards developing superior confidence around women.

Step 1- Develop the right mindset

If you want to become an incredibly confident person, you need to develop the attitude that you'll NEVER fail. Now while you WILL fail from time to time, you have to create the mindset that failure is not a bad thing

Even when you fail, look at it as a learning experience and an opportunity to learn what went wrong. In essence, you're embracing any setback as a chance to learn from your mistakes.

Step 2- Practice confidence every moment of the day

In order to become confident you must practice this attitude all the time. It's not something you can turn on and off during specific periods of the day. That means you can't act like a confident person one time and then like a wuss during other periods.

If you want to become a confident male, you must ACT like a confident male- all the time!

Step 3- Fake it till you make it

There will be times when you don't feel particularly confident. But if you don't have this attitude you have to pretend like you do.

The old adage is true- you must fake it till you make it. By acting like you're confident, you'll at least give off the appearance of someone who is comfortable with himself.

The funny thing is over time faking confidence will actually lead towards to developing this kind of attitude.

Step 4- Talk to everyone around you

Now the key to becoming confident ALL the time is to engage everyone you meet in conversations. As you probably know, a lack of confidence is caused by an inability to become comfortable around the people we encounter in our lives.

The only way to overcome this is consistently start talking to people you meet. Ultimately the more you do this the quicker you'll develop superior confidence around women.

Step 5- Give off positive energy

Your final step to becoming a superiorly confident male is to give off positive energy everywhere you go. By being an energetic and fun person, you'll become somebody who women WANT to be around.

Just remember that energy and enthusiasm is something which should be shared with everyone near you. It's kind of like karma- the more positive things you do, the more it'll be returned back to you.

Superior confidence doesn't come naturally for many men. However if you learn how to develop and control it, you'll become the kind of guy who ALL women want to be around.

All you have to do is follow the five steps I've outlined in this article and you'll be on the road towards developing an incredible level of confidence.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

How To Avoid Divorce

When you are both standing at the altar with stars in your eyes and love in your hearts, it is difficult to think how differently things can be in a short time in the future. For some, that short time is measured in months or even weeks, and for others that time frame is measured in years. It is amazing to note the number of divorces that occur after a couple has been married for 25, 30, or even more years in today's society.

But in truth, except in extreme cases, chances are high that at least one of you, if not both of you, really do not want a divorce. A divorce has a permanence about it that neither one of you want to face. There will be ramifications from family members, friends, your church or synagogue, at your place of employment, and you just really do not want all those hassles. You need to be asking yourself if a divorce is really what you want, or if there are some things that you could and should be doing differently, looking at from a different perspective, and taking a more subjective viewpoint with. After all, you realized a long time ago that marriage is a set of compromises, and more often than not, a simple conversation about those compromises will clearly show that one or the other of you, and mostly likely both of you, are not living up to those compromises.

Divorce usually becomes a situation when two people who were once very close, perhaps even soul mates, have become separated. Perhaps not separated physically, but separated in terms of being mentally on the same page with the same goals and the same objectives. So digging a little deeper, the root cause is almost always communications, or rather, a LACK of communication between the two of you. So would increased communication get you back on the same page again? A surprisingly high number of cases, after counseling, report that the answer to that question is yes.

Like anything else, communication is a two way street. One person cannot do all the talking and the other one do all the listening. Talking is a skill that most of us are born with, but very few of us have really mastered, or even tried to master the fine art of listening. You need to listen to what your partner is saying, and value that input since that is what they are thinking, that is what they are at right now. They are probably giving you clues, like a road map, in terms of how to get back on the same page as you are on.

First, determine what has caused you to stop communicating effectively. In today's world, the answer to that is frequently the fact that both of you are working full time, and at the end of the day, since you both put so much of yourself into your job, you have very little energy left over to devote to your relationship. It goes without saying that such a situation is not good and will inevitably without fail be detrimental to your relationship. Make an effort to save some of your energy to communicate with your spouse after a long hard day at work. It may actually help you to unwind, instead of rerunning the day's hassles in your mind, to put those things out of your mind and concentrate on something else, like your spouse, what they did today, and what was important in their day. Showing interest in the other is always a step closer towards effective communication.

For some couples, however, this is not enough. They have drifted too far apart for too long of a time to be able to effectively reestablish communication between them. There are more considerations you should be thinking about before the answer of divorce should be considered, however, all of which should be very seriously considered prior to deciding that divorce is the only viable answer, because in a surprising number of cases, divorce was only one of many viable options.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Be a St. Patrick's Day Lover!

The time has come to celebrate our Irish roots once again! Don't have Irish roots? Celebrate them anyway! Come drink a pint of beer or two and enjoy some corned beef (we'll call the cabbage optional). Whether you are a man or woman, there are lots of ways to put on your Irish game face and have some sexy fun on Saint Patty's Day.

For Men

• If you want your lady to dress up, maybe you should start it. Buy her the sexy green negligee you want her to wear, and pick up a pair of sexy green undies for yourself as well.

• If you can cook at all, learn how to prepare an Irish feast. Bonus points if you cook naked, or wearing only an apron.

For Women

• Buy a sexy green dress and flaunt it for him. You know he wants you!

• Color your down-there hair green for a sexy surprise that will have him laughing, or paint a shamrock somewhere naughty for him to find.

• Actually wear the green negligee he bought you. He did go to all that effort!

For Couples

• Some whipped cream in a bowl and some green food dye makes body paint. Write sexy messages on each other's bodies, or just take turns drawing shamrocks and licking them off. Be careful around the face, though, as the dye might sometimes stick around for a few days.

• Put on some Irish music and listen to it together. If you like it, enjoy it, and if not, well, enjoy making fun of it as a couple.

• Four words: Kiss me, I'm Irish!

• Some Irish whiskey or some delicious gourmet chocolates might be just the thing to loosen you up for the evening.

• Kiss every time you see a shamrock!

With these tips and tricks and a little effort and creativity on your part, you can make this Saint Patrick's Day one that is full of sex and romance for the both of you. Get back to your roots and have a little fun as well, and you will have a great day for the both of you to remember.

If you really love the way that this year turns out, you can even turn Saint Patrick's Day into a romantic tradition for the both of you!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rhode Island Divorce- Avoid Commingling Your Assets By Mistake!

Rhode Island Divorce comes with some interesting questions of law, especially when it comes to property, real estate, personal property and otherwise.

One concept that everyone going through a Rhode Island divorce should be aware of is the principle of "commingling".

This can, and sometimes is, a very arguable concept in a Rhode Island Divorce proceeding and the purpose of this blog post is only to make you aware of its significance. You shouldn't base any decisions on this posting. Just be aware that this concept exists and that it could affect various items of property that you do have that may be subject to equitable distribution in your marriage.

Generally speaking, the principle of "Commingling" takes into account the idea that if you have something that you have thought of as "yours". . . for instance, something that is either pre-marital that you own or a gift or an inheritance that you received, and you treat that property in such a way that it was either used by you and your spouse or perhaps if it even was intended that you and your spouse both use it and have the benefit of it, then you have taken something that was separate and distinct that was YOURS and you have now commingled it with your spouse such that it has now become a marital asset. Once the court determines that something is a marital asset, it has lost its individual character and it is now subject to equitable distribution in your Rhode Island divorce action.

What does that mean practically speaking? Your spouse is entitled to claim that he or she is entitled to part of that asset or part of its value and you may have no way of stopping him or her from doing so.

Commingling is hard to prevent. You must usually take fairly extreme measures to isolate the item from your spouse completely. No contribution, no usage, no payment of storage fees for the item, no cleaning of the item, NOTHING.

The end result. If you want to truly protect something that you have from being considered part of your marital estate should you ever be faced with a divorce proceeding, get a pre-nuptual agreement at least as to those few things. An understanding spouse will realize that all you are doing is protecting a family heirloom or whatever the item may be and not that you anticipate anything other than being with him or her forever.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Teenage Dating: 10 Tips for Parents

Dating among teenagers is a reality and seen by some as a right of passage from childhood to adolescence. Adolescence is also a time when your child wants to fit in, belong and be accepted. Parents must set appropriate boundaries to help their teenager come through this very challenging developmental stage.

1. Decide if your teenager is responsible and emotionally mature enough to handle dating.

2. Look at your teenager's track record. Do they have numerous instances of lying, breaking rules, and not following through on commitments or promises? Past behaviors although not a 100% are strong indicators of future behavior.

3. Discuss which persons and places are off limits.

4. Discuss in advance which dates require adult supervision or chaperones.

5. Know who your teenager will be dating before they ring the doorbell on the first date and have contact information.

6. Set the night(s) on which your teenager can go out on a date.

7. Set an appropriate curfew time and make your teenager stick to it. Decide with your teenager consequences for curfew violations. Research shows that most children and teenagers set much tougher consequences than their parents.

8. Let your teenager know that under no circumstances are they to drink and drive. It is also important to stress to them that they are also not to get into the car with someone who plans to drive after drinking. Tell them to call home for a ride regardless of the hour and no questions will be asked.

9. Be open and frank with your teenager regarding dating and sex. Discuss safer safe practices including appropriate condom and birth control use.

10. Ask your teenager if they are having sex. Remember most teenagers are afraid to be honest with their parents for fear of their reaction. So don't ask if you really don't want to hear the answer.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Living Well is the Best Revenge

Once upon a time there was a divorce group for men and women that was a small part of a non-profit organization called Second Chance in Fremont, California. It was an extraordinary divorce group because the man who led the group was an extraordinary man. His real name was Skylar Moon. He had a Masters degree in psychology and a Masters degree in education, including post graduate work at the Kempler Institute of Psychology. When Skylar walked into a room, people turned around and stared at him with fascination because he had an immediately commanding presence. He was over six feet tall, he usually wore a leather sports jacket, dress shirt (but no tie) and jeans, and he always wore the same jaunty flat leather cap which partially covered his bald head. He often had a cigarillo either between his lips or held between his fingers as if he was about to smoke it. But he never lit it. Skylar looked like a skinny, bald, clean shaven version of Jimi Hendrix. His remarkable personality had a significant positive impact on everybody who had the good fortune to meet him.

New members of the divorce group were always in various stages of emotional devastation. Skylar was very gracious when he welcomed people into the group and he made them feel comfortable by introducing them to the other members and letting them know that they had just joined a group of new friends. But Skylar was a unique group leader because he fearlessly crossed over the line that the psychological profession has drawn in terms of restricting a therapist's interaction to non-judgmental and unemotional empathic listening. He practiced a kind of emotional shock therapy that worked time after time. Typically, he would interrupt a regular group member's sad tale of woe and say, "We've all heard this same old story one too many times. You're like an old record that's stuck in a groove and repeating the same line over and over again. You're STUCK. You're standing in your own bucket of excrement and complaining about how much it stinks. Do you want to know why you don't get out of that bucket? (not waiting for an answer) It's because you're petrified with fear of what's outside the bucket. You've grown accustomed to your own stench and you're comfortable with it. When are you going to make a decision to change your life?" The usual reaction to his confrontation was stunned silence. People did not know how to react to something like that. But the next time they spoke, they would give Skylar all kinds of reasons why it would be so difficult, if not impossible, for them to resolve their financial, emotional, and legal issues. Skylar would interrupt their defensive maneuvering and say, "Be quiet. Just think about what I've told you. I'll come back to you when you have something positive to say."

Men often complained bitterly about the horrible things their spouses were doing to them and about how badly they were being hurt. Skylar would say, "Why does that surprise you? She hates you. She doesn't even like you. She won't even walk on the same side of the street with you. You're acting like a maladjusted child who is clinging to its mother's leg. I'll tell you what she is doing to you. She is kicking you, and she is going to continue to kick you harder and harder until you hurt so badly that you stop clinging to her leg and let go of her. Your marriage is OVER. You need to understand that because you will not be able to move on with your life until you do." Long term group members always told the new members, "Listen to Skylar, he knows what he's talking about. It took me (x number of years) to figure all this out but I'm very glad that I followed Skylar's advice." Skylar told everybody, "The best thing you can do is create a new and better life for yourself. Nobody is going to do that for you. You can never go back. Unless you're a masochist and you actually enjoy pain, you have no alternative but to go forward. Most of you are going sideways and unfortunately you're not going to move on with your life until you reach the point where you wake up one morning and say to yourself 'I can't stand this pain. I simply cannot go on doing what I've been doing for one more day.' That's when you will begin to make the changes in your life that you've been afraid of making. But here's the good news. Create a new and better life for yourself and someday you'll discover that living well is the best revenge."

There is a transcendent truth underlying Skylar's concept that living well is the best revenge, but living well should not have revenge as its primary motive. Living well by enjoying each and every day to the fullest possible extent is one of the important things that life is all about, and that concept requires no justification. However, when your ex finds out that you are living better than you did before you were ejected, the knowledge will usually cause them great discomfort and if you have any residual feelings of anger, you will feel even happier about how well you are doing. Living better than you did before does not necessarily require a lot of money. One way to do it is to move to a nicer location than the one where you lived when you were married. It's a good idea to move away from a place that contains too many bad memories. Consider moving to the place where your ex always wanted to live, or consider relocating to somewhere you always wanted to live. Treat yourself well. Eat well, Have fun. Make new friends. Enjoy life in every possible way. The information about how well you are living and how much fun you are having will filter back to your ex and you will know it. One last bit of Skylar's advice is worth mentioning here. He used to tell people "Fake it 'til you make it." That's an expression used by Alcoholics Anonymous but it applies to this situation as well because even if things do not work out for you immediately, that's information your ex does not need to have.

Skylar Moon died in 2004. There are countless people who will never forget this man, and they will also not forget how much they benefited from being in his divorce group. This author is one of those people. He is currently living happily ever after in paradise.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Why Men Fantasize About Angelina Jolie And What You Can Learn From Her

No it's not because she is damn pretty (Jen by societal standards is prettier) and no, it's not because she is a mother (men fantasized about Jolie long before motherhood) and no it's not because she adopts babies from "third world" countries, Angelina Jolie is the sexiest woman alive because she has found that balance between her feminine and masculine energies. She can be both masculine and she can be feminine in a very sexy way - and she knows it!

We find people like Jolie really fascinating because our Western culture tends to believe in "tender" femininity and "tough" masculinity and she has both which is something considered "extra-ordinary!"

In our Western culture, women are supposed to be more modest, understanding, sensitive, tender, nurturing, intuitive, emotional, passive, indecisive, impulsive, sentimental, and concerned with beauty. Men are supposed to be aggressive, tough, analytical, emotionally detached, ambitious, and focused on power and domination. Masculinity and femininity are seen as something that resides outside of our own selves and which can only be attained through hard work (dress, hair, body and stylishness). People have this notion of being successful or not successful at being masculine or feminine and spend a great deal of effort attaining it.

African cultures and all ancient cultures have a different take on what is masculine and what is feminine. African philosophies recognize that every person is born with qualities of the opposite sex within her or him, not simply in the biological sense, but also in the psychological and psychosexual sense of attitudes, feelings, dreams and desires. If a man or woman is well adjusted and harmoniously balanced, the feminine traits of the man and the masculine traits of the woman are both expressed. And in these cultures to say one is an "ideal/real man" or "ideal/real" woman would be to say one is an ideal human being with a good balance of both sexual energies.

The balance of these energies basically means men need women in their lives to see the reflection of their own feminine energies and women need men in their lives to see the reflection of their own masculine energies, but more than that we need each other as a connection to the unknown. Without this connection we are crippled in dealing with many aspects of our romantic and sexual lives.

After working as a dating/sexual confidence with many men and women, I personally believe that the Western social construct of what is masculine and what is feminine (and which has nothing to do with what is natural or with reality) is the root of many of the problems men and women face in relationships (i.e. battle of the sexes) . Both men and women are taken in and fooled by the charm of a fake masculinity and fake femininity which ultimately fails to bring the relationship they are truly looking for and dreaming about. When men and woman come together instead of mirroring love, inner harmony, understanding, passion and joy (and all the other traits of "ideal" human being); they mirror expectations that are unrealistic at best and dysfunctional at worst..

Perhaps you are a female with a tremendous amount of feminine energy that makes you vulnerable to male exploitation, abuse, mistreatment, rejection and degradation, what you need to do to change your SEXUAL AURA is to consciously express more of your masculine energy. Or perhaps you have a tremendous amount of masculine energy that has made you successful in a "man's world" but unsuccessful in romantic or sexual word, either way, change your SEXUAL AURA by consciously expressing more of your feminine energy.

Take advantage of your innate, in-born sexual magnetism and charm your way into the heart of an equally "balanced" man! I have, and so have many of my clients, without changing a thing about their physical appearance!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Art Of A French Kiss: What It Is And How To Perfect A French Kiss That Makes Them Melt

If you are learning how to kiss you may have heard of the term French kiss. There is an art to French kissing. This kiss will discuss what a French kiss is and how you go about perfecting the art of French kissing.

What Is A French Kiss?

A French kiss is a type of kiss that involves moving your tongue in and out of your kissing partner's mouth as they perform the same type of tongue kissing with you. The French kiss does not come easily to a lot of people. Also, if a French kiss is performed badly you may never get the chance to kiss that person again. That's why it's critical that you learn how to French kiss and French kiss well.

You may be surprised to hear that 9 out of 10 women feel that they don't get kissed enough in their day to day lives. It goes without saying that one physical gesture that will make a woman melt in your arms is planting an exquisite French kiss on her lips.

There are many kisses that people share every day of their lives. There are simple kisses of the cheeks, Eskimo kisses and the amusing air kiss, just for starters. What makes a French kiss so appealing is that it is a very intimate encounter because it requires two people inserting one another's tongues into each other's mouths.

Here are a few tricks to giving the perfect French kiss.

There is no point even trying a French kiss unless you are relaxed, comfortable and not apprehensive. Unfortunately, as with many things in life your kissing partner will be able to tell how you are feeling inside from the feel of your French kiss. For this reason you need to be completely relaxed and not focused on anything else at that moment except French kissing the person you desire and giving it all you've got.

French kissing is a lot like dancing, one of you leads while the other follows. For this reason to give a perfect French kiss you must be in tune with the person you are kissing. You must be able to read their body language to find out if they want more of the French kiss you are doing or less. If they press their body closer towards you then they are very much "into you". However, if they are moving their body away from you and pushing their body away from you with their arms they are not comfortable with what's going on at all.

If you have never done a French kiss before you may be wondering to yourself how two people French kiss like that without bumping noses with one another. When you move in to French kiss your partner tilt your head gently to one side and allow them to do the same. Press your lips gently against theirs and feel how they react to the kiss. Then turn the kiss to a French kiss by ever so slightly opening your lips and slowly and softly entering their mouth with your tongue. Search for their tongue with yours and touch it, almost shyly at first. Again, watch for their body language. If they are making noises or motions with their body which show that they like what you are doing then expand on the French kiss, be more confident with your tongue, keep it firm and adore one another with your tongues. If it's your first French kiss together then make your kiss a little shorter than you would like it to be so that you can then look into one another's eyes and French kiss one another some more.

A French kiss is a very passionate kiss and you should allow the passion to flow throughout your whole body.

Of course it's important for you to remember that you do have to breathe during a French kiss so you can pull away slightly and breathe or breathe through your nose.

The key to delivering a beautiful French kiss that makes your partner melt is being confident in what you are doing. A French kiss takes practice. It's also important to read as much as you can about the French kiss so that you know when you give one that it will be fantastic. There is nothing worse than French kissing someone who is terrible at it. I've been there, and I never saw that person again... and that is definitely not how you want your French kiss to end.