Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Giving Your Woman Tantric Orgasms Over and Over Again

Giving your woman tantric orgasms over and over again

Men, pay attention to this article! You need to know how to give your woman tantric orgasms because she will give you whatever you want if you know how to do this. Now I will be honest, I can only give you a few tips in this article, but these tips alone can raise your sex life to new heights.

First, learn your woman. More often than not men are only worried about getting theirs and what pleases them. They don't take the time to really tune into what their woman like and what drives her wild. I don't know how many women I have met that have never had a great sexual experience with a man.

The kicker is the men they were with never knew that their woman was not satisfied. Most women don't want to have to tell you that they are not getting what they want. They want you to take the time to figure it out. That is your job.

Second, slow things down and make the foreplay last longer. The whole key to getting your woman to orgasm is to get her really hot and bothered before the actual act of intercourse. If she is really turned on and ready to go and you keep teasing her, this will create suspense and a build up. When you finally do start to have intercourse she will orgasm faster and much harder than ever before.

My last hint is to simply listen to your woman. Ask her questions and listen. She will be happy to give you pointers on what she likes as long as you ask and you take an interest. Plus you will get benefits from this because when you show that you want to please your woman she will be so willing to start trying the new things that you are learning that you will be having more sex and doing more exciting things than ever before.

The one thing you have to remember is that your woman wants to please you. When you please her and really show that you want her to be happy she will be more willing to learn how you really like to be pleased. Share a new learning experience with your woman and give her tantric orgasms every night.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Remember My Love Relationships; Where They Really Love?

Dottiedee here sharing, "I Remember" as this is my story dear to my heart, may we all find our lesson contained within the words on this page.

I grew up in South Central Nebraska on a farm. I had been brought up in a Christian family which attended church often, it came first in our lives. Every thing we did revolved around church and being there whenever we possibly could be.

Now, years later, after giving up some of the legalistic ways of the church and living life as an experience rather than something that must fit in a mold given to me as a child, I find living in the land of happiness very rewarding.

Remembering how as a child everything was to be done correct, right or perfect to be acceptable to the denominator, our church and society, putting a lot of stress on people to meet expectations or to have expectations that couldn't be met.

We can expect so much out of our love relationships.

I was speaking with a new widow tonight, discussing how she misses her loved one, yet how they lived in a love/hate relationship which now has ended, leaving her lost without a male to go back and forth with loving or hating.

She is pulled by not wanting to live the rest of her life alone, as she is still young, yet she doesn't want to enter into another love/hate relationship.

What if a love/hate relationship is really a dominator/dominated living together unhappily not knowing how to end the domination and become true partners in a loving partnership?

What if we really didn't have to have two sides to our relationships?

What if we could have a common ground, an equal equity, fair voting love relationship?

What if we could learn to communicate knowing each had good ideas, could make wise choices and we could really respect and trust each other with no fear of being the dominator or the dominated one?

What if we could truly share our hearts without the dominance factor or the rule and the "obey" factor entering into the picture?

What if we could look at our marriages as the coming together of equals and not dominator and one to be dominated?

What if we could really, in true love, create a money distribution which would be fair, honest, and equal for all concerned in our families?

What if we would sit down with open eyes and open hearts to examine our habits with spending, saving, and money management, what would this look like for us?

What if making plans ahead of time for our purchases and create the cash to do so to eliminate paying out our cash for interest, how would this benefit our families?

What if doing the above could replace the love/hate dominator/dominated relationships we are raising our children into day?

What if we could drop the 70% of adult Americans with blemished credit and the habits which creates poor credit to only 10% what would this do for our families?

Would making these changes have an effect on our divorce rates, on our alcohol and gambling addictions?

What if we gave up our attitude that nothing can be done about it, and we set out to one day at a time make a difference in our relationships based on dominator/dominated and created true love partnership relationships?

What if we could have relationships based on pure love, love for each other with out an agenda?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Female Dilemma

When they called me a "Tomboy" I was confused. I knew I was a girl. Why were they referring to me as a boy? It is true that I loved to climb trees and was a superb athlete. The boys in the neighborhood always wanted me on their teams. It is also true that besides being strong and coordinated, I was very courageous. I rode my bike very fast and curbs were no obstacles. Some may say I could have just as well been riding a horse.

But I was still a girl, even though I loved my jeans and my two gun holsters for my cap pistols. I lived in a low income neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. My tough front protected me from appearing like an easy victim for the other gang members. I was the leader of our gang which consisted of two younger boys and me.

But I was still confused. I did not understand why they did not call me an active female, or an athletic girl. Instead they labeled me as a "Tomboy." Who is Tom, anyway?

Later in my teens, I was told, "If you want to have a boyfriend, then let him win the tennis match." How absurd. I once did have a boyfriend who was very upset when I triumphed. The next time we played, I let him win by a close margin. I felt frustrated. It was no fun to focus on his ego instead of being the best I could be. That was the last time I was willing to play that game.

Later on in life my girlfriend was upset with me because I had a higher score in bowling than her boyfriend. She said, "Couldn't you let him win so that he could feel better?" My stomach sunk once again. I was definitely getting the message that it was more important to be weaker than men, than to be myself.

What a dilemma. How could I let myself be the strong, capable woman I was, and still be accepted as a female? I looked around my environment and saw many women playing the role of a female that they were taught from the time they could understand. Be weak. Be soft and emotional. Men like you to cry when you are scared or hurt. Then they feel strong and needed. Men love to take care of women, so pretend to be weak and incapable. Do not ever show anger or too much competency or strength-it is not ladylike.

When I became a Marriage, Family Therapist, many female clients complained to me about their dilemma. Many of them wanted to drop their weak and incapable facade. They were miserable because they felt that they had to give themselves up in order to be with a man. They had hidden desires to follow their dreams, to go to college, or to begin a business. The women told me that they were afraid that their husbands would be threatened by their success.

The frustrated women admitted that they were feeling very resentful and expressed their discontent covertly. Some of them put on lots of weight. Others denied their spouses affection. And still others cooked terrible meals, if any, and became disastrous housewives. They also complained constantly-their husbands referred to them as nags. Another way they expressed their anger for being stifled was to spend all of their husbands' hard earned money, and even get them into debt with the credit card companies.

I helped these unhappy women (as well as myself) overcome the dilemma we were all experiencing. I accomplished this by explaining to them that the only way they were going to be happy and healthy was to be who they really are. I encouraged them to follow their dreams in order to stop making themselves and their husbands miserable. I helped them to accept the truth that it was important for them to be human. That is, to feel all of their feelings and to express them constructively. They looked relieved when I assured them that they could be strong and capable, and a soft and loving woman.

Then I asked the women to bring their husbands in for a session. I encouraged the clients to tell their loved ones what their truth really was, and what they wanted to do with their lives besides being a wife and mother. It was interesting to see the surprised look on the women's faces when their husbands responded in a very positive way, and encouraged them to feel more like an equal, and to have equal opportunities in their relationship.

It is true that they were somewhat concerned about the logistics of juggling all of their responsibilities, but there was a real earnest desire to work it all out the best way for all concerned. The men wanted their wives to be happy, realized the consequences when they were miserable, and saw how they would benefit if their spouses had the freedom to be themselves.

At that point, I acknowledged the men for their mature love. I told them that in my opinion, when you truly love someone you want them to be happy. I also acknowledged the women for having the courage to be themselves and for being wonderful role models for their children. Their daughters need not struggle with the female dilemma.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

How To Get Her In The Mood In 3 Easy Steps

You are about to learn an easy 3 step process for getting her in the mood

Let's dive in.

Get Her In The Mood STEP 1:

The first objective is get her in a "happy excited" mood. In other words, don't waste any time thinking about getting her turned on until you can successfully get her happy.

One of the quickest and easiest ways of doing this is by talking about happy times that you too have shared.

If it is a woman you just met, then get her to talk about something that will make her happy.

Let the good memories absorb into her mind. You will know when you succeeded when she is talking and smiling uncontrollably.

Get Her In The Mood STEP 2:

The second objective is to think about 'what version of you' have succeeded the best with women.

You may discover that women have always responded best to you when you were Serious-You or Funny-You, or whatever...

Once you have found it, that is the 'persona' you are going to take on.

It can be tricky because the Funny-You may be best at getting women in a happy mode. But the Serious-You may be best at getting them in a more intimate mindstate.

So keep that in mind

Get Her In The Mood STEP 3:

You are going to get her to perceive you in a more sexual way by increasing your sexual value.

And your ability to increase your Sexual Value in a short amount of time is based 100% on how skilled you are at capturing "Sexual Perception".

Because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a person's perceptions about anything can change in a split second.

In fact I remember going to a computer store. The salesman showed me a particular computer and I busted out laughing... "You don't expect me to buy this do you (sarcastically)?" About 14 minutes later I ended up proudly walking out of the store with that same computer.

It doesn't take long to change a person's perception.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Picking Up On A Beautiful Woman

Let's face it, every man wants a beautiful woman by
his side. This has held true throughout history. Society,
the media, and even our own peer group has taught us
that picking up on a beautiful is reserved only for the
wealthy, the famous, or the really good-looking men. For
the most part this is true. Yet there are a small
percentage of men that have figured out what it really
takes to pick up on a beautiful woman.

If picking up a beautiful woman was easy, more men
would do it right? Unless you're a natural with women, this
can be one of the most difficult things you can do. A lot
of men look for the latest pick up lines, routines, or want
to know what topics would make for good conversation.
Some men even go so far as talking about their cars,
their career, the big screen television, or their home. What
they don't realize is that talking about these things sounds
insecure, desperate, and shallow. It also attracts the
wrong kind of woman.

My opinion on this is I want a woman who wants to be
with me for the way I make her feel and that she appreciates
my individual qualities that make me who I am. I don't
want to try and impress her because of what I drive, what
I live in, or any of the material possessions that I own. Men
who have to resort to that have no "game". By "game" I'm
talking about the different skill sets a man has to have in
order to approach a woman, start a conversation, build
rapport, build desire within her, and make himself the prize
to be chased and not the other way around.

Picking up on a beautiful woman all starts with the
foundation to your game. To have tight game or a solid
skill set to pick up on women just about anywhere you have
to have a solid base to work from. You would never build
a house on a weak, mud foundation, you would build it on
a solid cement foundation. The taller and bigger the
building, the deeper and stronger your foundation has to
be. So think of it this way. If you want to approach and
game a beautiful woman who is a 6 on a scale of 10, ten
being the most beautiful and 5 being of average looks, then
your foundation needs to be solid. If you want to approach
and pick up on a woman who is a 9 or a 10 you better have
a deeper and stronger foundation.

So what do I mean by having a solid foundation or solid
game? Let's break it down into a managable, basic core
of skill sets to focus on. The good news is that you
don't have to focus on all of them at the same time. Here
are just a few you need to be aware of:

1. The Approach
2. Building Rapport
3. Building Attraction
4. Building Natural Confidence
5. Conversation Skills
6. Obtaining Her Contact Information
7. Phone / Internet / E-mail Game
8. Setting Up The First Date
9. The First Kiss
10. Increasing Your Social Network

While we don't have the room here to talk about all of
them in great detail, let's talk about the first one to give
you an idea what I'm talking about. The Approach is a
huge part of your foundation because without approaching
a woman, you can never build rapport, which means you'll
never build enough attraction to obtain her contact
information. This is true whether you're online meeting
women or if you're in a bar, nightclub, super market, coffee
shop, bookstore, or where ever you find women.

A lot of men suffer from approach anxiety. Usually they
are thinking about the potential rejection or feel they
don't know what to say. The problem is that approaching
women is a learned skill, which means you have to do it
and do it often to refine your craft. Unless you approach
at least a dozen women this coming weekend, you're not
going to get better. "If you're a beginner you should
start off approaching at least one woman per day that you
do not know," says dating coach Rod Cortez. "Within a
90 day period, you should be approaching no less than
25 women per week."

This is now commonly referred to as "The Rule Of 25".
The reason why men are generally not good at approaching
women is that they don't do enough of it. Now let's
take a look at building rapport. One way men blow this is
that they come off as too needy, insecure, or desperate.
These kind of behaviors do not build any kind of rapport.
There are dozens of ways to build rapport. One common
way is to use a combination of your sense of humor,
confidence, and the ability to playfully tease when the
opportunity presents itself. When you treat a woman almost
like one of the boys or "like your bratty little sister", says
Dating Expert David DeAngelo, you are communicating that
her beauty does not intimidate you. You are also subtley
communicating that you are used to dealing with pretty

Picking up on a beautiful woman does take commitment
and hard work, but here is the interesting thing: over
time you will find it getting easier and easier. After a
few months you will look back and wonder why you ever
worried about rejection or not sure on what to say.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

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Monday, February 12, 2007

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

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Monday, February 05, 2007

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Friday, February 02, 2007

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