Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Remember My Love Relationships; Where They Really Love?

Dottiedee here sharing, "I Remember" as this is my story dear to my heart, may we all find our lesson contained within the words on this page.

I grew up in South Central Nebraska on a farm. I had been brought up in a Christian family which attended church often, it came first in our lives. Every thing we did revolved around church and being there whenever we possibly could be.

Now, years later, after giving up some of the legalistic ways of the church and living life as an experience rather than something that must fit in a mold given to me as a child, I find living in the land of happiness very rewarding.

Remembering how as a child everything was to be done correct, right or perfect to be acceptable to the denominator, our church and society, putting a lot of stress on people to meet expectations or to have expectations that couldn't be met.

We can expect so much out of our love relationships.

I was speaking with a new widow tonight, discussing how she misses her loved one, yet how they lived in a love/hate relationship which now has ended, leaving her lost without a male to go back and forth with loving or hating.

She is pulled by not wanting to live the rest of her life alone, as she is still young, yet she doesn't want to enter into another love/hate relationship.

What if a love/hate relationship is really a dominator/dominated living together unhappily not knowing how to end the domination and become true partners in a loving partnership?

What if we really didn't have to have two sides to our relationships?

What if we could have a common ground, an equal equity, fair voting love relationship?

What if we could learn to communicate knowing each had good ideas, could make wise choices and we could really respect and trust each other with no fear of being the dominator or the dominated one?

What if we could truly share our hearts without the dominance factor or the rule and the "obey" factor entering into the picture?

What if we could look at our marriages as the coming together of equals and not dominator and one to be dominated?

What if we could really, in true love, create a money distribution which would be fair, honest, and equal for all concerned in our families?

What if we would sit down with open eyes and open hearts to examine our habits with spending, saving, and money management, what would this look like for us?

What if making plans ahead of time for our purchases and create the cash to do so to eliminate paying out our cash for interest, how would this benefit our families?

What if doing the above could replace the love/hate dominator/dominated relationships we are raising our children into day?

What if we could drop the 70% of adult Americans with blemished credit and the habits which creates poor credit to only 10% what would this do for our families?

Would making these changes have an effect on our divorce rates, on our alcohol and gambling addictions?

What if we gave up our attitude that nothing can be done about it, and we set out to one day at a time make a difference in our relationships based on dominator/dominated and created true love partnership relationships?

What if we could have relationships based on pure love, love for each other with out an agenda?


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