Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Art Of A French Kiss: What It Is And How To Perfect A French Kiss That Makes Them Melt

If you are learning how to kiss you may have heard of the term French kiss. There is an art to French kissing. This kiss will discuss what a French kiss is and how you go about perfecting the art of French kissing.

What Is A French Kiss?

A French kiss is a type of kiss that involves moving your tongue in and out of your kissing partner's mouth as they perform the same type of tongue kissing with you. The French kiss does not come easily to a lot of people. Also, if a French kiss is performed badly you may never get the chance to kiss that person again. That's why it's critical that you learn how to French kiss and French kiss well.

You may be surprised to hear that 9 out of 10 women feel that they don't get kissed enough in their day to day lives. It goes without saying that one physical gesture that will make a woman melt in your arms is planting an exquisite French kiss on her lips.

There are many kisses that people share every day of their lives. There are simple kisses of the cheeks, Eskimo kisses and the amusing air kiss, just for starters. What makes a French kiss so appealing is that it is a very intimate encounter because it requires two people inserting one another's tongues into each other's mouths.

Here are a few tricks to giving the perfect French kiss.

There is no point even trying a French kiss unless you are relaxed, comfortable and not apprehensive. Unfortunately, as with many things in life your kissing partner will be able to tell how you are feeling inside from the feel of your French kiss. For this reason you need to be completely relaxed and not focused on anything else at that moment except French kissing the person you desire and giving it all you've got.

French kissing is a lot like dancing, one of you leads while the other follows. For this reason to give a perfect French kiss you must be in tune with the person you are kissing. You must be able to read their body language to find out if they want more of the French kiss you are doing or less. If they press their body closer towards you then they are very much "into you". However, if they are moving their body away from you and pushing their body away from you with their arms they are not comfortable with what's going on at all.

If you have never done a French kiss before you may be wondering to yourself how two people French kiss like that without bumping noses with one another. When you move in to French kiss your partner tilt your head gently to one side and allow them to do the same. Press your lips gently against theirs and feel how they react to the kiss. Then turn the kiss to a French kiss by ever so slightly opening your lips and slowly and softly entering their mouth with your tongue. Search for their tongue with yours and touch it, almost shyly at first. Again, watch for their body language. If they are making noises or motions with their body which show that they like what you are doing then expand on the French kiss, be more confident with your tongue, keep it firm and adore one another with your tongues. If it's your first French kiss together then make your kiss a little shorter than you would like it to be so that you can then look into one another's eyes and French kiss one another some more.

A French kiss is a very passionate kiss and you should allow the passion to flow throughout your whole body.

Of course it's important for you to remember that you do have to breathe during a French kiss so you can pull away slightly and breathe or breathe through your nose.

The key to delivering a beautiful French kiss that makes your partner melt is being confident in what you are doing. A French kiss takes practice. It's also important to read as much as you can about the French kiss so that you know when you give one that it will be fantastic. There is nothing worse than French kissing someone who is terrible at it. I've been there, and I never saw that person again... and that is definitely not how you want your French kiss to end.


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