Tuesday, March 13, 2007

5 Instant Ways to Develop Superior Confidence Around Women

Let me ask you a question...

Are you one of those guys with absolute confidence in yourself and can attract women just through your presence?

If you're not, then pay close attention to this article...

Have ever noticed how certain guys seem to attract women despite their looks, money or social economic status. What all these men have in common is their superior confidence in themselves and their ability to project this attitude.

But what if you have no confidence when it comes to meeting and attracting women?

Well, you're in luck!

Confidence is actually something that can be developed, regardless of your dating background. So how do you do this?

It's simple! Just follow the 5 steps I'll outline in this article and you'll be on road towards developing superior confidence around women.

Step 1- Develop the right mindset

If you want to become an incredibly confident person, you need to develop the attitude that you'll NEVER fail. Now while you WILL fail from time to time, you have to create the mindset that failure is not a bad thing

Even when you fail, look at it as a learning experience and an opportunity to learn what went wrong. In essence, you're embracing any setback as a chance to learn from your mistakes.

Step 2- Practice confidence every moment of the day

In order to become confident you must practice this attitude all the time. It's not something you can turn on and off during specific periods of the day. That means you can't act like a confident person one time and then like a wuss during other periods.

If you want to become a confident male, you must ACT like a confident male- all the time!

Step 3- Fake it till you make it

There will be times when you don't feel particularly confident. But if you don't have this attitude you have to pretend like you do.

The old adage is true- you must fake it till you make it. By acting like you're confident, you'll at least give off the appearance of someone who is comfortable with himself.

The funny thing is over time faking confidence will actually lead towards to developing this kind of attitude.

Step 4- Talk to everyone around you

Now the key to becoming confident ALL the time is to engage everyone you meet in conversations. As you probably know, a lack of confidence is caused by an inability to become comfortable around the people we encounter in our lives.

The only way to overcome this is consistently start talking to people you meet. Ultimately the more you do this the quicker you'll develop superior confidence around women.

Step 5- Give off positive energy

Your final step to becoming a superiorly confident male is to give off positive energy everywhere you go. By being an energetic and fun person, you'll become somebody who women WANT to be around.

Just remember that energy and enthusiasm is something which should be shared with everyone near you. It's kind of like karma- the more positive things you do, the more it'll be returned back to you.

Superior confidence doesn't come naturally for many men. However if you learn how to develop and control it, you'll become the kind of guy who ALL women want to be around.

All you have to do is follow the five steps I've outlined in this article and you'll be on the road towards developing an incredible level of confidence.

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