Saturday, March 03, 2007

Why Men Fantasize About Angelina Jolie And What You Can Learn From Her

No it's not because she is damn pretty (Jen by societal standards is prettier) and no, it's not because she is a mother (men fantasized about Jolie long before motherhood) and no it's not because she adopts babies from "third world" countries, Angelina Jolie is the sexiest woman alive because she has found that balance between her feminine and masculine energies. She can be both masculine and she can be feminine in a very sexy way - and she knows it!

We find people like Jolie really fascinating because our Western culture tends to believe in "tender" femininity and "tough" masculinity and she has both which is something considered "extra-ordinary!"

In our Western culture, women are supposed to be more modest, understanding, sensitive, tender, nurturing, intuitive, emotional, passive, indecisive, impulsive, sentimental, and concerned with beauty. Men are supposed to be aggressive, tough, analytical, emotionally detached, ambitious, and focused on power and domination. Masculinity and femininity are seen as something that resides outside of our own selves and which can only be attained through hard work (dress, hair, body and stylishness). People have this notion of being successful or not successful at being masculine or feminine and spend a great deal of effort attaining it.

African cultures and all ancient cultures have a different take on what is masculine and what is feminine. African philosophies recognize that every person is born with qualities of the opposite sex within her or him, not simply in the biological sense, but also in the psychological and psychosexual sense of attitudes, feelings, dreams and desires. If a man or woman is well adjusted and harmoniously balanced, the feminine traits of the man and the masculine traits of the woman are both expressed. And in these cultures to say one is an "ideal/real man" or "ideal/real" woman would be to say one is an ideal human being with a good balance of both sexual energies.

The balance of these energies basically means men need women in their lives to see the reflection of their own feminine energies and women need men in their lives to see the reflection of their own masculine energies, but more than that we need each other as a connection to the unknown. Without this connection we are crippled in dealing with many aspects of our romantic and sexual lives.

After working as a dating/sexual confidence with many men and women, I personally believe that the Western social construct of what is masculine and what is feminine (and which has nothing to do with what is natural or with reality) is the root of many of the problems men and women face in relationships (i.e. battle of the sexes) . Both men and women are taken in and fooled by the charm of a fake masculinity and fake femininity which ultimately fails to bring the relationship they are truly looking for and dreaming about. When men and woman come together instead of mirroring love, inner harmony, understanding, passion and joy (and all the other traits of "ideal" human being); they mirror expectations that are unrealistic at best and dysfunctional at worst..

Perhaps you are a female with a tremendous amount of feminine energy that makes you vulnerable to male exploitation, abuse, mistreatment, rejection and degradation, what you need to do to change your SEXUAL AURA is to consciously express more of your masculine energy. Or perhaps you have a tremendous amount of masculine energy that has made you successful in a "man's world" but unsuccessful in romantic or sexual word, either way, change your SEXUAL AURA by consciously expressing more of your feminine energy.

Take advantage of your innate, in-born sexual magnetism and charm your way into the heart of an equally "balanced" man! I have, and so have many of my clients, without changing a thing about their physical appearance!


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