Thursday, March 15, 2007

Seducing Women or Men Using The Elvis Presley Phenomenon

The results are in, rhythmic brainpower is one of the most seductive kinds of intelligence there is!

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem studied the DNA from dancers and compared it with the genes of "tone deaf" people and people with two left feet. They found that musicians and dancers had key genes (the Serotonin Transporter and Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1a) that played an important role in their particular personality type which includes traits such as having a heightened sense of communication, a sense of enjoyment and well-being, and strong spiritual awareness and traits.

For me, this is exciting news because it just goes ahead to confirm why a good sense of rhythm is emphasized in indigenous cultures rites of passage to adulthood. Initiates are told that musician and dancers are some of the most desired sex partners because of their ability to communicate their inner primal nature and raw emotions in ways that move the rest of us. Initiates go through rigorous training to develop their rhythmic brainpower not just because a rhythmic body is great when it comes to sex, but because when your sense of rhythm is great (not just good) you can tune into another person's inner primal nature and raw emotions - make him/her oblivious to him/herself and forget his/her circumstances in life and take him/her into another place, not theirs, not your own, but somewhere else.

This is a simple but powerful overlooked concept in "modern" societies. Many of us spend hours and hours on a date "downloading" stats, factual discussions, arguments, and proofs onto each other but still fail to leave an imprint on our dates. We fumble and lose our way in the web of verbalizing our emotions—"naming emotions," "talking about feelings," or "sharing our feelings" but fail to "transfer" emotional information to another person.

We fail to "get on the same wavelength", "keep up with the pace", "engage in the dance of courtship" etc. We are often either "off beat" or "out of sync" with the other's inner primal nature and raw emotions.

Call it the Elvis Presley phenomenon – you too can leave an imprint that makes a man or woman want to become you, together with you – not even death do you part – by simply increasing your rhythmic brainpower. When you are "in tune" with your inner beat, you can then easily tune in to your date's or partner's rhythm – and rock his/her world!

Check my websites for more information on increasing your rhythmic brainpower and seducing the opposite sex using rhythmic synchronization - invite interested partners with ease, move the man or woman you have your eyes on, make him or her feel what you feel, inspire him other to want to come to you and become you.

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